Troubleshooting Guide: Mac Mail Search Not Working

Mac Mail, the built-in email client for macOS, is a powerful tool for managing your emails efficiently. One of its essential features is the search functionality, allowing users to find specific emails or information quickly. However, it can be frustrating when you encounter issues with Mac Mail search not working as expected. In this blog post, we’ll explore some common reasons behind this problem and provide troubleshooting steps to help you resolve it.

Mac mail search not working

Part 1: What Does Rebuild Do in Mac Mail

In Mac Mail, the “Rebuild” option is a feature that allows you to rebuild the mailbox index for a specific email account. The mailbox index is a database that keeps track of the emails in your mailbox, including information like sender, recipient, subject, and other metadata.

When you rebuild the mailbox index, Mac Mail essentially reconstructs this database, scanning and analyzing the email messages within the account. This process can help resolve various issues related to the search, sorting, and display of emails. Here’s what the “Rebuild” function does:

  • Recreates the mailbox index: Mac Mail scans all the emails in the selected mailbox and recreates the index file. This can fix issues where certain emails are not showing up in searches or are not appearing in the correct order.
  • Updates search results: Rebuilding the mailbox index improves the accuracy and completeness of search results within that specific mailbox. It ensures that the search function can find and display the relevant emails based on the specified search criteria.
  • Fixes display inconsistencies: Sometimes, you may encounter problems where the email list or thread view in Mac Mail doesn’t display correctly or appears out of order. Rebuilding the mailbox index can address such display inconsistencies and restore the proper organization of emails.
  • Improves performance: Over time, as the mailbox index grows in size, it may impact the overall performance of Mac Mail. Rebuilding the index can help optimize the performance of the email client by creating a fresh, streamlined index file.

It’s important to note that the rebuilding process may take some time, especially if you have a large mailbox with numerous emails. During the rebuilding process, you may experience temporary delays in accessing your email or notice increased CPU usage on your Mac. However, once the process is complete, you should see improvements in search functionality and overall performance within the rebuilt mailbox.

What does rebuild do in Mac Mail

Part 2: How to Rebuild Mac Mail Using the Menu Bar

To rebuild Mac Mail using the Menu bar, follow these steps:

Open the Mail app on your Mac. In the menu bar at the top of the screen, click on “Mail.” From the drop-down menu, select “Preferences.”In the Preferences window, click on the “Accounts” tab. Select the email account for which you want to rebuild the mailbox index. On the right-hand side, click on the “Mailbox Behaviors” tab.

Look for the “Rebuild” button next to the “Rebuild mailbox” option. Click on the “Rebuild” button. A prompt will appear asking for confirmation. Click “OK” to proceed. Mac Mail will start rebuilding the mailbox index for the selected email account. The process may take some time, depending on the size of your mailbox. Once the rebuilding process is complete, you should see a message indicating that the index has been rebuilt successfully.

Rebuilding the mailbox index can help resolve issues with Mac Mail search not working properly and improve the overall performance of the email client.

How to rebuild Mac Mail using the Menu Bar

Part 3: How to Manually Perform Apple Mail Rebuilding

To manually perform Apple Mail rebuilding, you can follow these steps:

Close the Mail application if it is currently open. Open a Finder window on your Mac. From the menu bar at the top of the screen, click on “Go” and select “Go to Folder…” or use the shortcut Shift + Command + G. In the “Go to Folder” window, enter the following path and click “Go”: ~/Library/Mail/

This will take you to the Mail folder where your email data is stored. Within the Mail folder, locate the specific mailbox or email account that you want to rebuild. Right-click (or Control + click) on the mailbox or account folder and choose “Move to Trash” from the context menu.

Note: This step will not delete your emails permanently. They will be moved to the Trash folder within Mail.

Empty the Trash by right-clicking on the Trash folder in Mail and selecting Erase Deleted Items or “Empty Trash” from the options. Make sure you are certain that you have a backup of any important emails before emptying the Trash

Close the Finder window. Reopen the Mail application. It will start the process of re-downloading and rebuilding the mailbox or account you deleted. Depending on the size and number of emails, this process may take some time. Once the rebuilding process is complete, check if the issues you were experiencing with Mail Search have been resolved.

Manually rebuilding Apple Mail can help address various issues, including problems with search functionality. By removing and re-downloading the mailbox data, you essentially initiate a fresh indexing and organization of your emails.

How to manually perform Apple Mail rebuilding

Part 4: How to fix Mail Search is Not Working on Mac

Update macOS and Mail:

Before diving into specific troubleshooting steps, it’s crucial to ensure that your macOS and Mac Mail app are up to date. Apple regularly releases software updates that address known issues and provide improvements. To update your system, follow these steps:

  • Click on the Apple menu in the top-left corner of the screen.
  • Select “System Preferences” and choose “Software Update.”
  • If updates are available, click on “Update Now” to install them.
Update The macOS

Rebuild the Mailbox Index:

Sometimes, the search function in Mac Mail may not work correctly due to problems with the mailbox index. Rebuilding the mailbox index can often resolve this issue. Here’s how to do it:

  • Open the Mail app on your Mac.
  • In the menu bar, go to “Mail” and select “Preferences.”
  • Choose the “Accounts” tab and select the problematic email account.
  • Click on the “Mailbox Behaviors” tab.
  • Locate and click on the “Rebuild” button next to the “Rebuild mailbox” option.
  • Allow the process to complete, which may take some time depending on the size of your mailbox.

Check Spotlight Indexing:

Mac Mail relies on Spotlight, the built-in search technology, to power its search functionality. If Spotlight is not indexing your emails properly, it can impact the search results in Mac Mail. To verify and fix Spotlight indexing, follow these steps:

  1. Open “System Preferences” from the Apple menu.
  2. Select “Spotlight” and navigate to the “Privacy” tab.
  3. Ensure that your Mail folder or any relevant folders are not listed in the exclusions.
  4. If you find any folders listed, remove them by selecting them and clicking the minus (“-“) button.
  5. Close the Spotlight preferences window.
  6. Wait for some time to allow Spotlight to reindex your emails and files.

Reindex Mail Data Using Terminal:

If the previous steps didn’t resolve the issue, you can try reindexing the Mail data using Terminal. Here’s how:

  • Quit the Mail app if it’s open.
  • Open the Terminal app (found in Applications > Utilities).
  • Type the following command and press Enter: mdutil -E /
  • Enter your administrator password when prompted.
  • Wait for the reindexing process to complete. It may take a while depending on the size of your data.

Verify Mail Data Integrity:

In some cases, corrupted or damaged Mail data can affect the search functionality. To check the integrity of your Mail data, follow these steps:

  • Quit the Mail app.
  • Open a Finder window and press Shift+Command+G.
  • Enter the following path and press Go: ~/Library/Mail/V8/MailData
  • Look for a file named “Envelope Index” and move it to the desktop (don’t delete it).
  • Open the Mail app again. It will start reindexing your Mail data.
  • Check if the search function is now working correctly.


In conclusion, encountering issues with Mac Mail search not working can be frustrating and hinder your productivity. However, there are several troubleshooting steps you can take to address this problem. Remember, it’s important to allow sufficient time for the rebuilding or reindexing process to complete, especially if you have a large mailbox.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can regain control over your emails and restore the functionality of the Mac Mail search feature. Don’t let the frustration of Mac mail search not working hold you back—take action and enjoy a seamless email experience on your Mac.