How to Reset Keychain Password on Mac in 2023

The Keychain is a password management system on Mac that securely stores your passwords, certificates, and other sensitive information. However, if you’ve forgotten your Keychain password or need to reset it for any reason, it can be a source of frustration. In this blog, we will provide a step-by-step guide to help you reset your Keychain password on your Mac, allowing you to regain access to your stored passwords and ensure the security of your digital accounts.

Part 1: What is a Keychain Password?

A keychain password refers to a feature on macOS (the operating system for Mac computers) that securely stores and manages various sensitive information such as passwords, encryption keys, certificates, and secure notes. It acts as a digital vault, protecting this data from unauthorized access.

What is a Keychain Password?

When you log in to your Mac, your user account password is used to unlock the keychain. Once unlocked, the keychain automatically provides the stored passwords and other credentials to applications and services that require them, eliminating the need to enter them manually each time.

The keychain password is separate from the user account password and is used specifically to protect the stored sensitive information within the keychain. It is advisable to use a strong and unique keychain password to ensure the security of your stored credentials and personal data.

Part 2: How to Reset Keychain Password on Mac

reset keychain password

Step 1: Open Keychain Access

To begin the process of resetting your Keychain password, open the “Keychain Access” application on your Mac. You can find it by navigating to “Applications” > “Utilities” > “Keychain Access.”

Step 2: Reset Keychain Password

Once the Keychain Access application is open, go to the “Keychain Access” menu located at the top-left corner of the screen and select “Preferences.”

Step 3: Access Reset Options

In the Preferences window, click on the “Reset My Default Keychain” button. A confirmation dialog box will appear, informing you that this action will delete your existing Keychain and create a new one.

Step 4: Confirm the Reset

Click on the “Reset” button in the confirmation dialog box to proceed with the Keychain password reset. You will be prompted to enter your user account password. This is the password you use to log in to your Mac.

Step 5: Restart Your Mac

After entering your user account password, restart your Mac to complete the Keychain password reset process.

Step 6: Create a New Keychain Password

Upon restarting your Mac, the Keychain Access application will open automatically. You will be prompted to create a new Keychain password. Enter a new password and verify it to ensure accuracy. It’s important to choose a password that is strong and secure, using a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

Create a New Keychain Password

Step 7: Use the New Keychain Password

Once you have set the new Keychain password, you can start using it to access your saved passwords and other secure data. The new Keychain will be automatically unlocked whenever you log in to your Mac using your user account password.

Part 3: How to Reset the Keychain Password on a Mac Using Your Old Password

To reset the keychain password on a Mac using your old password, you can follow these steps:

Open the “Keychain Access” application on your Mac. You can find it by navigating to “Applications” > “Utilities” > “Keychain Access.”

In the Keychain Access menu, click on “Preferences.” In the Preferences window, click on the “Reset My Default Keychain” button. A confirmation dialog box will appear, informing you that this action will delete the existing keychain and create a new one. Click on “Reset Keychain” to proceed.

You will be prompted to enter your old password—the password that you used to log in to your Mac before changing it. After entering your old password, click on “OK” to confirm. Restart your Mac. The keychain password will be reset to match your new user account password. Once your Mac restarts, the keychain will be unlocked automatically using your new user account password. You can now access your stored passwords and other sensitive information using the new keychain password.

It’s important to note that resetting the keychain password using the old password requires remembering the old password. If you don’t remember the old password or have forgotten it, you may need to use other methods to reset the keychain password, such as using your Apple ID or creating a new keychain.

Part 4: How to Reset the Keychain Password without the Old Password

Resetting the keychain password without knowing the old password on a Mac can be done by following these steps:

  • Go to the “Utilities” folder:

Open a Finder window and navigate to the “Applications” folder. From there, open the “Utilities” folder.

  • Open the “Keychain Access” application:

Inside the “Utilities” folder, locate and open the “Keychain Access” application.

  • Access Keychain Preferences:

In the Keychain Access menu bar at the top of the screen, click on “Keychain Access” and then select “Preferences.”

  • Click on the “Reset My Default Keychain” button:

In the Preferences window, click on the “Reset My Default Keychain” button. This will prompt a confirmation dialog box.

  • Authenticate using your user account password:

To proceed with resetting the keychain password, you need to enter your current user account password. Enter the password and click on “OK” to confirm.

  • Create a new keychain password:

After authenticating your user account password, a new keychain will be created, and you will be prompted to set a new keychain password. Enter a new password and verify it by entering it again.

  • Update the login keychain password:

Once you have set the new keychain password, your Mac will prompt you to update the login keychain password to match the new keychain password. Enter the old password (which is now your new keychain password) and click on “OK.”

  • Restart your Mac:

Restart your Mac to complete the keychain password reset process. After restarting, your new keychain password will be in effect.

Please note that resetting the keychain password without the old password will result in losing access to the stored passwords and other secure information in the old keychain. The newly created keychain will start fresh with no previously saved data.

Part 5: How to Delete Saved Passwords on Your Mac

To delete saved passwords on your Mac, you can follow these steps:

Open the “Keychain Access” application:

Go to the “Applications” folder on your Mac and open the “Utilities” folder. Inside the “Utilities” folder, locate and open the “Keychain Access” application.

Select the login keychain:

In the Keychain Access application, you will see a list of keychains on the left sidebar. Select the “login” keychain. This keychain contains the passwords associated with your user account.

Locate the saved passwords:

In the main window of Keychain Access, you will see a list of items such as passwords, certificates, and secure notes. Locate the saved passwords that you want to delete from the list.

Select and delete the passwords:

To delete a saved password, select it from the list by clicking on it once. Then, right-click (or Ctrl-click) on the selected password and choose “Delete” from the contextual menu. Confirm the deletion when prompted.

Empty the Trash:

Once you have deleted the desired passwords, go to the Finder on your Mac and click on “Finder” in the menu bar. Then select “Empty Trash” to permanently remove the deleted items from your Mac.

By following these steps, you can delete saved passwords from your Mac. This process allows you to manage and remove passwords that are no longer needed or if you want to enhance your security by reducing the number of saved credentials on your system.

Delete Saved Passwords on Your Mac

Part 6: How to Change a Password on Your Mac

Changing a password on your Mac is a straightforward process that can be done through the System Preferences. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through the process:

  • Step 1: Open “System Preferences”

To begin, click on the Apple menu located in the top-left corner of your screen. From the dropdown menu, select “System Preferences.” This will open the System Preferences window, where you can make various settings and adjustments.

  • Step 2: Access “Users & Groups”

Within the System Preferences window, you’ll find various icons representing different settings. Look for the “Users & Groups” icon, which is typically represented by a silhouette of two people. Click on this icon to proceed.

  • Step 3: Authenticate as an administrator

In order to make changes to user accounts, you might need to authenticate yourself as an administrator. If prompted, click on the lock icon located in the bottom-left corner of the Users & Groups window. This will allow you to enter your administrator username and password to gain access and make changes.

  • Step 4: Select the user account

On the left sidebar of the Users & Groups window, you’ll see a list of user accounts associated with your Mac. Locate and select the user account for which you want to change the password. By highlighting the account, you’ll be ready to proceed with the password change.

  • Step 5: Click on “Change Password”

With the user account selected, you’ll notice a “Change Password” button on the right side of the window. Click on this button to initiate the password change process.

  • Step 6: Enter the current password

A dialog box will appear, prompting you to enter the current password associated with the selected user account. Provide the current password in the designated field and proceed to the next step.

  • Step 7: Set a new password

After entering the current password, you’ll be prompted to enter a new password. Type in the new password you wish to use for the user account. Be sure to create a strong, unique password to enhance the security of your account.

  • Step 8: Verify the new password

To ensure accuracy and prevent typos, you’ll be asked to re-enter the new password in a verification field. Carefully type the new password exactly as before to confirm its correctness.

  • Step 9: Add a password hint (optional)

If desired, you can include a password hint that may help you remember the new password in case you forget it. However, it’s crucial to ensure that the hint does not explicitly reveal the password to maintain security.

  • Step 10: Click on “Change Password”

Once you have entered and verified the new password, click on the “Change Password” button. This action will finalize the password change and apply the new password to the user account.

  • Step 11: Log in with the new password

After successfully changing the password, you can now use the newly set password to log in to the user account on your Mac. Make sure to remember the new password or store it securely to ensure easy access to your account. By following these steps, you can confidently and securely change a password on your Mac. Remember to prioritize strong and unique passwords while regularly updating them to bolster the security of your user account.

Change a Password on Your Mac


Resetting your Keychain password on a Mac can be a simple process with the right guidance. By following the step-by-step instructions outlined in this guide, you can regain access to your Keychain and ensure the security of your stored passwords and sensitive information. Remember to choose a strong and unique password for your Keychain to enhance your digital security. With your Keychain password reset, you can confidently manage your passwords and enjoy a seamless and secure computing experience on your Mac.