Enhance Your Mac Browsing: Set Default Browser in 2023

When it comes to browsing the web on your Mac, having your preferred browser as the default option can significantly enhance your browsing experience. While Safari is the default browser on Mac, you have the freedom to choose and set your own default browser based on your preferences. In this blog, we will walk you through the process of setting your default browser on Mac, empowering you to surf the web with your favorite browser seamlessly.

Part 1: What is a Default Browser

A default browser is a web browser that is automatically launched and used to open web pages and handle web-related activities when you click on links or interact with web content on your computer or device. It is the browser that is set as the preferred option for handling web browsing tasks, providing a seamless and convenient experience for users.

The default browser can vary depending on the operating system and user preferences. For example, on Windows, the default browser could be Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or another browser installed on the system. On Mac, the default browser is typically Safari, but users have the option to set a different browser as their default choice.

Setting a default browser allows users to have their preferred browser handle web-related tasks consistently, ensuring a seamless browsing experience without the need to manually choose a browser every time they encounter web content. It’s worth noting that users can change their default browser settings based on their preferences, allowing them to use the browser of their choice as the default for their web browsing activities.

browser’s settings

Part 2: Set Your Default Browser on Mac

  • Safari: If you prefer to use Safari as your default browser, no additional steps are necessary as it is the default option. However, if you’ve previously set a different browser as the default, we’ll guide you on how to change it.
  • Other Browsers: Open the browser you want to set as the default. In the menu bar at the top of the screen, click on the browser’s name. From the dropdown menu, select or  Look for the option to set the browser as the default. It might be labeled as or similar. Follow the prompts and confirm your selection to set the browser as the default.
  • Verifying and Adjusting Default Browser Settings: Once you’ve set your preferred browser as the default, it’s essential to verify and adjust any additional settings, if needed. These settings might include customizing the homepage, privacy preferences, search engine options, and browser extensions. Explore the browser’s settings or preferences menu to personalize your browsing experience further.
set default browser Mac

Part 3: How to Change Default Browser on Mac

To change the default browser on your Mac, you can follow these steps:

Open the on your Mac. You can access it by clicking on the Apple menu in the top-left corner of the screen and selecting from the dropdown menu. In the System Preferences window, locate and click on the preference pane. Within the General Preferences, you’ll find a section labeled

Click on the dropdown menu next to reveal a list of installed browsers on your Mac. From the list, select the browser you want to set as the default. Close the System Preferences window.

Once you have completed these steps, the selected browser will be set as the default browser on your Mac. Any links or web-related activities will now automatically open in the newly chosen default browser.

It’s important to note that the available options in the dropdown menu depend on the browsers you have installed on your Mac. If you don’t see your preferred browser in the list, ensure that it is installed on your system. By changing the default browser on your Mac, you can customize your web browsing experience and use the browser that best suits your needs and preferences.

How to change the default browser on Mac

Part 4: Tips to speed up your browser on your Mac

If you want to speed up your browser on your Mac, here are some helpful tips:

  1. Keep your browser updated: Regularly update your browser to the latest version. Updates often include performance improvements and bug fixes, ensuring a smoother browsing experience.
  2. Clear cache and cookies: Over time, cached files and cookies can accumulate and impact browser performance. Clearing the cache and cookies regularly can help speed up your browser. In most browsers, you can find these options in the settings or preferences menu.
  3. Disable or remove extensions: Extensions can be useful, but having too many can slow down your browser. Review your installed extensions and remove any that you don’t use or need. Disabling or removing unnecessary extensions can improve browser speed.
  4. Limit open tabs: Having multiple tabs open consumes system resources and can slow down your browser. Try to limit the number of tabs open simultaneously. You can use bookmarks or tab groups to organize and access websites more efficiently.
  5. Disable or manage plugins: Plugins, such as Adobe Flash, can negatively impact browser performance and security. Consider disabling or managing plugins based on your needs. Most modern browsers have options to control and disable plugins in their settings.
  6. Enable hardware acceleration: Check if your browser supports hardware acceleration and ensure it is enabled. Hardware acceleration utilizes your Mac’s hardware to offload certain tasks, improving browsing speed and performance.
  7. Reduce animations and effects: Some websites utilize heavy animations and effects that can slow down your browsing experience. Consider disabling or limiting these animations and effects in your browser settings.
  8. Close unnecessary background processes: Background processes, such as downloads or updates, can consume system resources and affect browser performance. Monitor and close any unnecessary processes running in the background to free up resources for your browser.
  9. Optimize system performance: Regularly maintain and optimize your Mac’s overall performance. Close unnecessary applications, free up disk space and consider using utility tools to clean up your system and optimize performance.
  10. Consider alternative browsers: If you’re still experiencing slow browsing speed, you might explore alternative browsers known for their speed and efficiency, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Opera. Different browsers can offer varying performance levels, so experiment to find the one that works best for you.

By implementing these tips, you can potentially improve the speed and performance of your browser on your Mac, enhancing your overall browsing experience.


By following these simple steps, you can easily set your default browser on your Mac, ensuring that your preferred browser opens automatically whenever you click on links or access web pages. Whether you choose Safari or another browser, the process is straightforward and gives you the freedom to browse the web with the browser that suits your needs best. Take control of your browsing experience and set your default browser on Mac today! Remember to keep your preferred browser up to date to enjoy the latest features, performance improvements, and security enhancements as you explore the vast digital landscape on your Mac.